Discursive psychology. What are we talking about?





discursive psychology, discourse analysis, rhetoric, qualitative methodologies, sociology


This paper is a presentation of discursive psychology (DP) – one of the approaches in discourse analysis. It is divided into four parts. Firstly, there is a general introduction to DP which includes its name, complex origins and its interesting status among other developments in social sciences. Secondly, this paper attempts to answer the question “What is discourse psychology?”. Eight selected features of discourse psychology are indicated, which take into account its methodological specificity, research aspirations and achievements. The third part is concerned with the question: “what discourse psychology is not?”. The purpose of this section is to forestall some possible misconceptions about discursive psychology especially in its relationship to other fields such as psychology, sociology, and discourse analysis. The fourth and final part of the article comments on the relationship between the research possibilities discursive psychology opens up and the public engagement of social sciences. The article is designed to serve as an introduction to discursive psychology and attempts to make Polish sociology more acquainted with it.


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How to Cite

Stachowiak, J. (2023). Discursive psychology. What are we talking about?. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 72(2), 55–82. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2023/72.2/4

