Information For Authors


The journal charges neither a submission nor a publication fee. The decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board according to the results of an independent review.

Full-text journal articles are freely available for everyone to read, download and reuse in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND). 


Papers should be submitted in the electronic version in Microsoft Office Word document (.doc format) to the following e-mail address:

1. Author ’s name should be given at the top left corner of the front page, along with affiliation, academic degree or title, email address and ORCID.

2. Title of the paper should be centred, uppercase, bolded, 12-point type, Times New Roman.

3. Headings should be bolded, 12-point type, Times New Roman.

4. Body of the text: 12-point type, Times New Roman.

5. Comments should be inserted as footnotes, numbered sequentially, 10-point type, Times New Roman.

6. References in the text should follow the Harvard style: Name(s) Year published: page(s) number after a colon e.g. [Boltanski, Chiapello 1999: 35, 45]

Information should be given in square brackets. If the same publication is being referenced again, do not use Ibidem; author(s) name(s)/publication title and page number should be used instead.

7. Bibliography should be placed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, 10-point type, Times New Roman, using the following formatting convention:

Chapter in a book:

Last name First name, First name Last name. Year published. Chapter title. In: Book title, Editor(s), pages. City of publication: Publisher.

Wojciszke Bogdan, Janusz Grzelak. 1995. Poczucie krzywdy Polaków: wzorce przeżywania, determinanty i konsekwencje. In: Społeczne, eksperymentalne i metodologiczne konteksty procesów poznawczych człowieka. A. Biela, T. Marek (eds.), 153–180. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora.

Scientific article:

Last name First name, First name Last name. Year published. “Scientific article title”. Journal Title volume(issue): pages.

Jepperson Roland, John W. Meyer. 2011. “Multiple levels of analysis and the limitations of methodological individualism”. Sociological Theory 29(1): 54–73.

Last name First name, First name Last name. Year published. Book title. City of publication: Publisher.
Parsons Talcott, Neil J. Smelser. 1956. Economy and society: A study in the integration of economic and social theory. Glencoe: The Free Press.

Edited volume:

Last name First name, First name Last name. (eds.). Year published. Book title. City of publication: Publisher.

Gordon Chad, Kenneth J. Gergen. (eds). 1968. The self in social interaction. New York: John Wiley.

Internet sources:

Last name First name (or institution name). Year published. Title of the publication. [access:].

Dutkiewicz Rafał. 2015. Partycypacja obywateli w rządzeniu to wyzwanie, z jakim muszę się zmierzyć. Blogi Wrocław. [access: 30.06.2016]. Access date in square brackets.

Eurostat. 2022. EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) – first results – 2022 edition. [access: 16.02.2023].

In the English titles please use upper double quotation marks “…”. If it is necessary to use a second quotation marks within the first one, please use the French quotation marks « ».

Please use lowercases in the English titles (apart from the first word in the title, proper names, and the word after a colon etc.).

8. Please add DOI numbers where possible. DOI numbers should be added at the end of the bibliographic position after a full stop, please use the format:

9. Drawings, diagrams and graphs should be submitted in grayscale. It is advisable to include source files so that it corrections can be applied after the paper editing process is completed. Formulas, tables, and diagrams must not be scanned. Figures and tables should be placed in the appropriate places in the text (as close as possible to the reference). For each cited table, diagram or drawing the source or information “own work” should be provided. Bitmaps should be provided in 300–600 dpi resolution.

10. Papers should be submitted to the publisher along with abstracts (approx. 200 words) and key words in English. In addition, Polish authors are requested to submit abstracts, keywords and titles in Polish as well.

11. Submitted paper should be ca. 40 000 characters with spaces, including abstracts; the maximum length is 60 000 characters (with spaces). The abstracts are not calculated towards the character count, but the bibliography is included in the maximum length of the paper. The book review cannot exceed 15 000 characters (with spaces).

12. The articles which are above the character limit and/or do not follow the bibliographic guidelines will be sent back to the Authors for necessary corrections.