Spatial organization of the open-air Middle Palaeolithic site Ketrosy 1 (middle Dniester valley): third cultural layer
Middle Palaeolithic, Middle Dniester valley, lithic refits, intrasite spatial analysis, archaeostratigraphy, point pat-tern analysisAbstract
The paper deals with the spatial reconstruction of the third cultural layer of the Middle Palaeolithic site Ketrosy 1 situated in the middle reaches of the Dniester river. The cultural layer exposed by N. Anisyutkin’s excavations in 1974–76 proved to be rich in stone artefacts and faunal remains. Also, remains of dwellings made from mammoth bones and tusks were revealed. During recent research, the original interpretation of this layer has been specified and complemented. To prove good preservation of the third cultural layer and its homogeneous occupation, stratigraphical, archaeostratigraphical and refitting analysis were used. To conduct density plots of different categories of finds, point pattern analysis was used. These methods helped to improve the interpretation of the third cultural layer and then compare the results with the data published by N. Anisiutkin. The research allowed the boundaries of the dwelling zone to be specified, and several accumulations of stone artefacts that differ from each other in composition to be outlined. The complex of data makes it possible to interpret the third cultural layer as a short-term site located near a flint outcrop.
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