Publication ethics and malpractice statement

General information
1. „Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia” publishes articles on archeology, history, art history and hoplology.
2. Each article is reviewed by independent reviewers, who are experts in their respective fields.
3. The articles sent for publication should be written in Polish, English, German, French or Russian.
4. Any violation of the principles of good scientific and academic practice, including violation of Polish Act on Copyright and Neighboring Rights will be exposed and brought to the attention of relevant institution.

Authors' responsibilities
1. Author certifies that the submitted article is the original work of the Author.
2. Author certifies that the submitted article has not been published before.
3. Author certifies that the submitted article is not under consideration by any other publisher.
4. All collaborators who have made significant and substantial contributions to the article are considered co-authors and their contribution should be acknowledged in the article.
6. Author must identify all sources and references used in the article.
7. Before publication Author must sign copyright transfer agreement to publish and distribute the submitted article.

Reviewers' responsibilities

1. Reviewers must keep articles and the information they contain strictly confidential. It should not be discussed with anyone who is not directly involved in the review process.
2. Reviewers should judge the quality of articles objectively.
3. Each article is evaluated by at least two competent and independent Reviewers who are appointed from an academic unit other than that of the Author’s.

Editors’ responsibilities
1. The scientific contents, quality and consistency of the journal is guaranteed by the Editor.
2. Editors are responsible for deciding whether the article submitted to the journal should be published.
3. Editors’ decision to accept or reject an article for publication is based on its originality, importance and its relevance to the scope of the journal.
4. Editors warrant the anonymity of Reviewers.
5. Editors must act in any case of violation of the principles of good scientific and academic practice.
6. Editors must prevent any conflicts of interest between Editorial Board members, Advisory Board members, Authors and Reviewers.