Far Eastern banknote emissions of the Russian-Chinese Bank and the Russian-Asiatic Bank at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Russian, Chinese and Mongolian borderlands


  • Juliusz Bieniaś Polskie Towarzystwo Numizmatyczne
  • Joanna Lipinin Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie


Russian-Chinese Bank, Russian-Asiatic Bank, China Eastern Railway, kuping tael, Mexican dollar, local currency dollar, gold fen, cash


This gives an account of the activity of the Russian-Chinese Bank, later known as the Russian- Asiatic Bank, in issuing currency at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It describes the Sino-Russian relationship of that period, discusses the legal basis of the issuing of currency, its range of circulation, and its exchange rate as regards Chinese currency. It demonstrates that there were significant discrepancies between the Chinese, Russian and English regulations authorizing the issuing of banknotes.



How to Cite

Bieniaś, J., & Lipinin, J. (2018). Far Eastern banknote emissions of the Russian-Chinese Bank and the Russian-Asiatic Bank at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Russian, Chinese and Mongolian borderlands. Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia, 61, 95–110. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Acta-Archaeologica-Lodziensia/article/view/2151

