Economic development and quality of life on the example of the new European Union member countries


  • Sławomir Pastuszka Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych i Polityk Publicznych, Poland



economic development, quality of life, regional analysis


Background: The stud analyzes the economic development and quality of life in new member states of the European Union (EU-13).

Research purpose: The aim of the article was to assess the degree of dependence between the level of economic development of the EU-13 countries measured by GDP per capita and the qual­ity of life of their inhabitants.

Methods: The analysis used descriptive statistics, the coefficient of variation, and Ward’s hierar­chical grouping method.

Conclusions: The results of the research show that in the EU-13, the level of GDP per capita has an impact on the assessment of the quality of life of residents, but it is not always the case. There is a strong positive correlation in the richest countries: Malta and the Czech Republic, and the poorest: Bulgaria and Romania. This relationship is not so obvious for other countries, especially Cyprus. This country was clearly classified lower in the quality of life rankings compared to its level of GDP.


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How to Cite

Pastuszka, S. (2020). Economic development and quality of life on the example of the new European Union member countries. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 115, 307–327.

