What pedometer has in common with neoliberalism? About the intersection of healthism and neoliberal politics





healthism, neoliberalism, self-tracking, pedometer, cognitive capitalism


The article presents a desk research analysis aimed at examining the connections between the ideology of healthism and neoliberalism. The axis of the analysis is the historically embedded attempt to extract similarities in their vision of the individual. The aim of the article is also to take a critical look at the central position of health in today’s value systems and to consider the political implications of this state of affairs. The category of health is analysed in the context of devices that are designed to measure its value. The article proposes a reflection on self-tracking devices, which, according to many researchers, are a material manifestation of the interweaving of healthism and neoliberalism. One of the most common tools of this kind – a pedometer – was chosen to demonstrate the dangers of using self-tracking devices, and as a reminder that objects are not only passive transmitters of ideology. This analysis is also incorporated into the framework of discussions on cognitive capitalism.


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How to Cite

Bielecka, K. (2023). What pedometer has in common with neoliberalism? About the intersection of healthism and neoliberal politics. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 72(2), 83–104. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2023/72.2/5

