De Philippi Callimachi in VIII Beatitudines homilia observationes
Filipi Kallimach i kazanie o ośmiu błogosławieństwach
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Filippo Buonaccorsi (Callimachus Experiens) jako homileta, osiem błogosławieństw ewangelicznych, binarny układ błogosławieństw w homilii KallimachaAbstrakt
Filippo Buonaccorsi, called “Callimachus”, in his homily on the Beatitudes, pairs the eight blessings, without observing the order in which they appear in the Gospels. Sometimes he contrasts them gently with each other, but sometimes the principle of pairing them remains unclear. The author of this contributory article draws the reader’s attention to this binary arrangement of the Beatitudes hoping that, in this way, Buonaccorsi’s source of inspiration can be found, which he cannot provide himsel
Jak cytować
Domański, J. (2019). De Philippi Callimachi in VIII Beatitudines homilia observationes: Filipi Kallimach i kazanie o ośmiu błogosławieństwach. Prace Polonistyczne, 73,