Przodkowie prymasa Andrzeja Olszowskiego, czyli o początkach Olszowskich i ich herbie Prus ii



  • Łukasz Ćwikła Katedra Historii Średniowiecznej, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Uniwersytet Łódzki


Słowa kluczowe:

Olszowa, rodzina Olszowskich herbu Wilczekosy, czyli Prus II, genealogia, Polska, Andrzej Olszowski


The article discusses the history of several generations of the noble family Olszowscy coat of arms Wilczekosy or II of Prussia, focusing primarily on the medieval ancestors of this family. There has been a gap in the historiography, which has mostly been associated with the character of Primate Andrzej Olszowski, who is considered a leading figure in this context. This genealogical statement is a follow-up to the fate of the earliest proven sources of Andrzej Olszowski’s ancestors. The issues related to the family’s coat of arms were also analyzed. The article also discusses the cloaking of the coat of arms, the function of the emblem, and explains the trap for wolves, and tracks the first references to the coat of arms.



Jak cytować

Ćwikła, Łukasz. (2019). Przodkowie prymasa Andrzeja Olszowskiego, czyli o początkach Olszowskich i ich herbie Prus ii: -. Prace Polonistyczne, 73, 41–58.