Belt sets with images of eagles in the Scythian funerary rite of the early period (7th-5th centuries BC (semantics and functions)
Scythia, Scythian culture, military belt, eagles, mythology, ritual, semanticsAbstract
Despite the scale and diversity of achievements in modern Scythian studies, the problem of reconstructing the worldview and religious ideas of the bearers of Scythian culture, in particular those related to their eschatology, is still relevant. In the context of the above, the problem of semiotic reconstruction and functional purpose of the objects that accompanied the Scythians to the afterlife, clarification of their place and the semantics of the Scythian funeral rites is still important. The belt sets with overlying plaques in the form of eagles, which have been discovered in Scythian burials of the seventh to the fifth centuries BC in the Northern Black Sea region, are no exception.
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