Instruction for prison guards from 4/16 march 1853 in the light of the files of the Provincial Commission and Płock Governorate Government
history of prisons, Kingdom of Poland, legal history, penitentiary systemAbstract
Background: The subject of the study was an analysis of the provisions issued on 4/16 March 1853 Instruction for prison guards regulating the procedure of admission to service, the scope of prison guards’s duties, and their disciplinary responsibility. This issue remained on the margins of researchers’ interests and has not have a significant study, particularly in the field of analysing sources.
Research purpose: The aim of the research was not only to assess the legal regulations themselves, but above all to try to answer the question of how these provisions worked in practice. Whether their introduction had the intended effect in terms of improving the state of the prison service, as well as the better organization and functioning of prisons. For this purpose, archival material was used that was collected in the State Archives in Płock in the team of the Provincial Commission and the Government of Płock Governorate.
Methods: A dogmatic and historical method was used on the article, which justifies the nature of historical and legal research in general.
Conclusions: The provisions setting the basic qualifying requirements for prison guard candidate should be assessed positively, as well as the introduction of a probation period, which allowed the prison administration to verify the suitability of the candidate for the profession in practice. The question is whether the new Instruction changed the character of the prison guards significantly. It seems that the answer is no, which was mainly due to the lack of appropriate staff willing to work. And despite the regulations introduced, drunkenness among guards and the lack of proper super-vision over prisoners was still a huge problem. On the other hand, when assessing the provisions of the Instruction regulating the duties of prison guards, it seems that from the very beginning, extremely meticulous, even casuistic provisions did not have a chance to be implemented in practice. Prison supervisors commonly reported the problem of enforcing even the basic obligations arising from existing regulations on the prison guards.Undoubtedly, the provisions regarding disciplinary liability were most fully implemented. The sources analyzed demonstrate that prison supervisors generally orientated themselves to these regulations and referred to them in disciplinary proceedings.
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