Florian Znaniecki heritage in the context of Russian discourse





Florian Znaniecki, knowledge globalization, interpretative sociology, professional sociological community, empirical research, Russian context


The article is devoted to the problem of the transmission of scientific knowledge in the context of globalization of qualitative paradigm. This has to do not only with language barriers but also with political and scientific contexts, in which research is embedded [Flick 2014]. Here we will try to touch upon some aspects of the process focusing on Russian specifics in receiving and interpreting F. Znaniecki’s ideas and concepts. 1) How did the dominant normative model of society influence the professional attitudes and behavior towards “new” kind of sociological thinking? 2) How did “new” interact with the habitual system of knowledge and methodological orientations of scientific community? 3) How did internal differentiation influence on perception of new ideas? (“man of knowledge” type). The article tries to follow this process in a chronological way in the frames of changing social and professional context of the country. The first part is devoted to late Soviet period; the second – to the first post-Soviet period of democratization and humanization in social knowledge field; and the last – to current situation of developing national specifics based on initial export of methodological concept of “humanistic coefficient” (F. Znaniecki) along with the wide flow of European and American qualitative-interpretive tradition.



How to Cite

Semenova, V., & Rozhdestvenskaya, E. (2019). Florian Znaniecki heritage in the context of Russian discourse. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 68(4), 149–169. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2019/68.4/7

