Social dimension of adaptation to climate change in the urban environment – the example of Gdańsk
climate change, Gdańsk, city, residents’ attitudes towards the environmentAbstract
Climate changes have ceased to be of interest merely to small groups of specialists; they have become a social problem engaging a broader public opinion. Facing the growing popularity of environmental issues, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries central governments working hand in hand with local authorities, began to take actions to support the so-called pro-environmental (green) policy. The purpose of this article is to draw a picture of the environmental awareness of the residents of Gdańsk. The authors present the conclusions drawn based on surveys conducted in order to consider selected issues connected with the climate changes. In the first part of the text, the authors refer to these studies on the climate issues and their presence in the environmental discourse which, over the past two decades, has engaged ever more entities actively protecting the environment. In the second part of the article, the authors focus on the empirical analysis of pro-environmental types of behaviour and their psychosocial conditions.
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