From Luhmann to Latour and back on the example of sustainable architecture
architecture, autopoietic system, actor-network theory, quasi-object, Bruno Latour, Niklas Luhmann, sustainable architectureAbstract
The main aim of this article is to present the advantages of alternating actor-network theory and the theory of autopoietic social systems in the field of sociology of architecture. Although these approaches differ fundamentally and propose different methods of analyzing, observing and describing architectural processes and phenomena, in the text I focus on the extent to which they can be complementary, giving a deeper insight into how, and based on which principles, projects and buildings are being produced. In the first part of the paper I explore the basic concepts and assumptions of these theories, their strengths through which architecture can be understood as a system, as well as a network of material-discursive objects. In the second part, with the example of the concept of sustainable architecture as a new structure of meaning in the system of architecture that is enacted in the course of socio-technical practices, I point out the benefits of combining ANT with Luhmann’s approach, or better, switching between the two, and give practical suggestions for further research on the system of architecture and design practice.
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