Enrichment: a pragmatic sociology on the sources of commodity value in capitalism





pragmatic sociology, economic sociology, valuation, commodification, capitalism


This review essay of Luc Boltanski’s and Arnaud Esquerre’s book “Enrichment” describes the novelty of pragmatic structuralism’s attention to the coexistence of the multiple ways in which objects can be commodified. The theoretical and methodological framework proposed by the French sociologists introduces new possibilities for analyzing the condition of contemporary capitalism – as Boltanski and Esquerre argue that nowadays profit is often achieved through a process of object enrichment. The essay places the above findings in the broader context of the development of the pragmatic sociology programme and points out their originality and wider significance for sociology, as well as their potential weaknesses and limitations.


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How to Cite

Tuszko, F. (2021). Enrichment: a pragmatic sociology on the sources of commodity value in capitalism. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 70(2), 157–167. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2021/70.2/8

