Contemporary dilemmas related to taking the role of family caregiver of an elderly relative




elderly family members, taking the role of a family caregiver, dilemmas in caregiving role


In recent decades different aspects of the informal family caregiving of elderly relatives have become a more common topic of investigation from different theoretical and empirical perspectives. Observed changes in the structure and current patterns of family functioning concentrate on the responsibility of modern family to provide care to elderly spouses, parents and grandparents. Special attention has been paid to the health and psychosocial outcomes caused by negative, stressful experiences related to the trajectory of caregiver role. It is necessary to stress several changes in the developed theoretical models of family caregiving – from the intergenerational solidarity model, the ambivalence model to the current approach based on individual choice, taken independently of social pressure and cultural norms or obligations. A review of existing data analysed the demographic and psychosocial determinants related to taking the role of a family caregiver to elderly relatives was used to developed presented survey. Future plans related to taking a role of family caregiver was the aim of the survey conducted among 213 non-caregivers (aged 35–65). Less than 50% of respondents confirmed the possibility of taking a future role of family caregiver and their decision was significantly influenced by the sense of belonging and social ties inside a family network developed through the life span. Statistical differences were noticed in relation to the age of respondents (younger and professionally active individuals supported the idea of taking responsibility for caring for elderly relatives), but genderrelated differences were not noted. Future expectations related to the role of a family caregiver were perceived as different forms of emotional support and sharing time with elderly family member, although the difficulties conncted to the instrumental duties of everyday care were not fully considered.


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How to Cite

Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B., Florek, M., & Luśtyk, M. (2022). Contemporary dilemmas related to taking the role of family caregiver of an elderly relative. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 71(2), 35–62.

