Kobieta walcząca o pozycję w polu produkcji artystycznej Samoidentyfikacja, samoorganizacja i samoemancypacja według Ewy Partum

A Woman Fighting for Her Position in the Field of Art Production Self-identification, Self-organization and Self-emancipation According to Ewa Partum


  • Tomasz Załuski Katedra Mediów i Kultury Audiowizualnej, Instytut Kultury Współczesnej, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Poland


Ewa Partum, conceptual art, feminism, self-organization, alternative galleries


Ewa Partum’s conceptual art of the early 1970s consisted in creating a new artistic language but at the same time it bore some traits of feminism and was marked by the figure of what might be called “the touch of a woman”. The artist's self-organizational activities which took the form of establishing and running of an alternative art gallery called “Adres” can be also considered as self-emancipatory feminist practice. The gallery was instrumental in Partum’s attempts at producing symbolic capital for herself and taking a position in the field of Polish and international neo-avant-garde.


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How to Cite

Załuski, T. (2019). Kobieta walcząca o pozycję w polu produkcji artystycznej Samoidentyfikacja, samoorganizacja i samoemancypacja według Ewy Partum: A Woman Fighting for Her Position in the Field of Art Production Self-identification, Self-organization and Self-emancipation According to Ewa Partum. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich The Problems of Literary Genres, 61(2), 75–89. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Zagadnienia-Rodzajow-Literackich/article/view/529


