Aims and Scope

“Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich. Formy kultury i teorii” (“The Problems of Literary Genres. Forms of Culture and Theory”) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary scholarly journal devoted to research in:

  • literary studies (including literary genres, literary theory and criticism, comparative studies),
  • cultural and religious studies (cultural studies),
  • language and art sciences.

The main goal of the journal is to advance scientific thought in the indicated disciplines. To this end, we publish only previously unpublished texts whose author presents an innovative approach to a problem or solution.

The journal has several basic sections:

  • Articles: it publishes scholarly articles that are subject to internal evaluation (Editorial Board and Editorial Board recommendations) and double-blind review, so they are sent to independent experts in the discipline and subject matter. We do not publish reprints or split articles.
  • Essays: texts of a more free-form nature, but related to the purpose and scope of the journal. They are subject to internal and expert evaluation.
  • Scientific Reviews: reviews of scientific or popular science publications related to the scope of the journal. Reviews are subject to internal review. As of 2022, we publish reviews of papers that were published no more than two years prior to the submission of the review.
  • Materials to The Companion of the Literary Genres (entries): scholarly texts in the nature of extended entries related to genology. Entries are subject to internal review with possible external consultation.
  • Miscellanea: discussion panels, conference reports, responses to reviews and polemical texts, interviews, texts related to the history of the journal. The editors may also consider other types of publications. Texts in this section are subject to internal evaluation.
  • The Editors encourage the careful reading of articles and the submission of possible polemics and disputes. The editors, after evaluating the submitted texts, will publish critical and polemical voices.

Due to the great interest in “free” issues without a main topic, the Editorial Board has opened (in 2022) a Main Section, which means that both issues per year will publish texts unrelated to the topics of the volumes, presenting current research results from disciplines of interest. We process submissions to the Main Section on a rolling basis.

We currently accept texts in Polish and English. In the case of fragments of texts written in Cyrillic or other non-Latin alphabet, a transcription is necessary. We are interested not only in nationwide but also in international and intercultural exchange of ideas.

We do not have any particular thematic restrictions in the area of literary or cultural studies (we accept original theoretical, historical, and critical reflections), but we emphasize that "Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich" (“The Problems of Literary Genres”) is not a suitable place to publish any purely interpretative works (concerning the works of any one author or period). We are most interested in publications with a genological profile and engaged in various kinds of cultural discourses. We do care about theoretically strong texts.

Although genology and genre studies are sometimes understood very generally as literary or cultural studies, we are not interested in publishing studies focused solely on a single object of literature and culture (work/ author). 

Please send submissions to the Editor's email address: Details of the review procedure, guidelines for the authors, and a form for reviewers are available under the appropriate tabs on the website.