Legal Aspects of Postal Voting in Selected Anglo-Saxon Countries




postal voting, electoral law, United States election, United Kingdom election


The purpose of this article is to present an institution of postal voting on an example of United Kingdom and United States of America, which tradition of using this form is the oldest. First of all, the history of growth from its inception to the present day is presented in the following work. Going further to the perspective of the current election procedures in United Kingdom, state of California and state of Oregon is carefully analyzed. Most importantly the main aspect covers in the article below is postal voting, further the impact of postal voting is assessed. Moreover, electoral offences associated with postal voting and the issue of security of electoral packages is discussed, especially verification of signatures.


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How to Cite

Rudnik, W., & Janukowicz, J. (2022). Legal Aspects of Postal Voting in Selected Anglo-Saxon Countries. Studia Wyborcze, 33, 69–89.


