Methods of protecting dependent work provided outside the employment relationship under Polish law




dependent work, work outside the employment relationship, legal protection, selfemployment


Background: The presented study concerns dependent work provided outside the employment relationship. By dependent work, the Author understands work rendered outside the employ­ment relationship in conditions of dependence, placing the contractor in a social position that requires protection to compensate for the imbalance of the parties’ social and economic positions. Previous studies on the legal regulation of dependent work focus on the definition of this work and proposals for regulating the status of its contractors. However, there are no studies that identify and assess methods already provided for in legal regulations and applied in practice.

Research purpose: Therefore, in this study an attempt was made to answer the question of what methods are used on the basis of applicable law, since when, and in what situations. The second goal of the study is to determine if these methods are sufficient. The Author claims that the Polish legislator does not have a coherent concept of defining and protecting dependent work.

Methods: The research is based on a dogmatic analysis of the provisions of Polish law as well as legal writing against the background of international and EU law.

Conclusions: As a result of the above considerations, the Author concludes that Polish law lacks a coherent concept of protection dependent work, and that the protection is not always properly addressed and effective. In conclusion, the Author proposes the adoption of a typological method of identifying dependent work and giving the contractors a certain minimum of protective rights. If necessary, the protection of individual groups of contractors could be further modified.


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How to Cite

Hajn, Z. (2020). Methods of protecting dependent work provided outside the employment relationship under Polish law. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 113, 69–85.

