More on norm violation as the criterion for objective attribution. Should the assumptions of increased risk theory be rejected?




objective attribution of effect, causality, perpetration, causal link in norm violation (illegality link), increased risk theory


Background: This research centres on one of the underlying criteria of the objective attribution of effect, referred to in the German criminal law science as the causal link in norm violation (sometimes also called the illegality link or the risk link). Despite the fact that the theory of the objective attribution of effect is still considered to be “novel” in Polish jurisprudence and judicature, it is gaining ever greater recognition with regard to the decisions of courts, especially those of the Supreme Court. This means the rejection of the old concepts according to which establishing a causal link between conduct and effect was sufficient to attribute blame to the alleged perpetrator. Currently, it is assumed that in order to establish perpetration it is also necessary to apply normative criteria (apart from the ontological link). The basic formula for objective attribution of effect refers the arbiter who is examining whether an act meets the statutory features of a prohibited act to two types of criteria which are related to the assessment of the faultiness of conduct (norm violation), as well as to its link with the effect. The way in which this link is established is considered debatable in the legal doctrine. The assumptions of the increased risk theory best correspond to political-criminal requirements. However in the literature on the subject, various objections are raised against this theory, which are connected with both the theory of law as well as the dogma of law.

Research purpose: The analysis carried out by the Author aims at verifying whether the objections raised against the increased risk theory (Risikoerhöhungslehre) are sufficiently serious, and justified to such an extent, as to necessitate the rejection of the assumptions of the theory. In particular, whether it is necessary to lend support, in this scientific dispute, to the competing theory of avoidability (Vermeidbarkeitstheorie) which prevails in the jurisprudence and the decisions of courts, even though its consequences in political-criminal and social intuition terms seem hard to accept.

Methods: The research relies on the analysis of the literature on the subject in both Polish and German, with particular emphasis put on the most recent German textbooks. The survey of German textbooks, in which the issues being the subject of research are discussed far more thoroughly than in Polish course books of a similar character, enables the Author to present diverse views on the analysed problems set forth therein in an essential and clear manner.

Conclusions: The analysis carried out by the Author indicates that the most serious objections raised by the opponents of the increased risk theory are not convincingly and sufficiently justified. This particularly concerns the argument regarding the violation of the in dubio pro reo principle, as well as the objection with regard to converting the offences constituted by violation of legal interests (Verletzungsdelikte) into offences consisting in concrete endangerment of legal interests (konkrete Gefährdungsdelikte). Nevertheless, the increased risk theory obviously requires further study and a more detailed specification of the criteria formulated by its supporters.


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How to Cite

Dębski, R. (2020). More on norm violation as the criterion for objective attribution. Should the assumptions of increased risk theory be rejected?. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 114, 25–61.

