From the right to food to food sovereignty: theoretical-legal and organizational aspects of local food systems
decolonisation, corporations, indigenous people, food systems, food sovereigntyAbstract
Background: Local food systems were the foundation of food sovereignty prior to the colonial period, successfully meeting the food needs of populations on all continents. The elongation of supply chains under colonial exploitation and post-colonial “global agriculture” has led to the collapse of these systems, resulting in threats to regional food security.
Research purpose: To answer the questions: is it possible for the international community to deal more effectively with food insecurity through the realization of the right to food, the current understanding of which is burdened with a “colonial burden”, or rather through initiatives based on food sovereignty being a “return to roots” in the form of local food systems?
Methods: The research was based on the theoretical method, which boils down to the analysis of doctrinal views on the right to food, food sovereignty and food systems, and the dogmatic method, which consists in analysing the content of legal acts.
Conclusions: The result is the conclusion that this “return to roots”, as opposed to the promoted and inefficient global agriculture, should be based on local economy, socially supported agriculture, and related initiatives. Shorter supply chains that respect the principles of food sovereignty more effectively ensure food security
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