Family practices across two generations of Poles. Between continuity and change




family practices, generations, family relations, Polish families


Polish families experience certain paradoxes stemming from concurrent expectations connected to, on the one hand, a wish to maintain tradition and, on the other, galloping social change. The variable of age or its wider conceptualization through generations, is often perceived as the main polarizing axis between traditional and modern families in Poland. Acknowledging the ongoing paradigmatic shift rooted in the change from being a family towards doing family, this article employs a comparative perspective to discuss family practices among adult Polish women from a qualitative perspective. We focus on familyhood of two generations through the lens of three realms, both rituals (weddings, holidays) and everyday practices. Outcomes are derived from the individual in-depth interviews conducted for the “Transition to motherhood across three generations of Poles. Intergenerational longitudinal study” (GEMTRA) project. The paper relies on a comparative and cross-sectional analysis of 34 IDIs (17 pregnant women and their mothers).


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How to Cite

Buler, M., & Pustułka, P. (2020). Family practices across two generations of Poles. Between continuity and change. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 69(2), 33–53.

