Women and the institutionalisation and de-institutionalisation of the family





family modernisation, institution, deinstitutionalisation, women


The changes that the modern family is subjected to, have been discussed in the context of two competing positions: de-institutionalisation and the constancy of institutional family models. Both models focused on the functioning of women in their families. Previous works have shown that women can be considered as the beneficiaries of modernisation processes. These benefits primarily refer to the acquisition of the right to pursue autonomous life scenarios. However, women do not take full advantage of these opportunities. When making decisions related to the family, women are driven by collectivist ideals in which the well-being of their partner and relatives is more important than their own. As a result, modern families maintain and continue to produce traditional gender inequalities in a new institutionalised form.


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How to Cite

Żurek, A. (2020). Women and the institutionalisation and de-institutionalisation of the family. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 69(1), 9–25. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2020/69.1/1

