The sociological perception of film and cinema. Articulations and practices in the field of film and cinema sociology


  • Ewelina Wejbert-Wąsiewicz Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Socjologii, Katedra Socjologii Sztuki i Edukacji, Poland


The article attempts to reconstruct the field of the sociology of film and cinema based on a comparative analysis of important foreign and Polish works falling within the described subdiscipline. Among them are pioneering dissertations and research on cinema and film, sociological research programs, sociological studies, and studies devoted to the sociology of film and cinema. The main goal was to organise and summarise the heritage of the narrow discipline of film and cinema sociology, and to include certain practices, orientations and research trends. The author also showed the area of research devoted to film institutions as being poorly represented in the practice of sociological research in Poland and abroad. The theoretical inspiration for the explorations is Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of scientific practice as well as the notion of habitus, field and capital.




— Updated on 2018-12-30

How to Cite

Wejbert-Wąsiewicz, E. (2018). The sociological perception of film and cinema. Articulations and practices in the field of film and cinema sociology. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 67(4), 141–169. Retrieved from

