Gendered conflict. Industrial action and strike from the perspective of trade union leaders
gender, gendered professions, industrial dispute, strike, industrial relationsAbstract
This article discusses gendered aspects of industrial conflict from the perspective of male and female trade union leaders. Drawing on 36 interviews with workers who have led industrial disputes and strikes, the author analyses workplace conflict in the context of gender of its participants and gendered nature of organizations. The analysis of the collected material was aimed at answering the question of whether and how gender of participants in industrial disputes affects the course of these processes, with a particular focus on the role of gender during a strike. Using categories such as demands, emotions and family situation, this article reflects on the impact of gender and gendered occupations on the ways and possibilities of protesting, attitudes towards negotiations, used tactics, relations with colleagues and the external environment, especially family relations of participants of industrial disputes. The article complements research on the role of gender in collective labour relations and, in particular, fills a gap in the analysis of gender in industrial conflicts. The presented analysis suggests that gendered practices in organisations have an impact on industrial action practice, although the context of labour conflict is more important in many cases than the potential influences of gender regime.
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