From culturally-led development to a mega-project. An extended case study of the New Centre of Łódź
mega-project, urban catalyst, flagship project, regeneration, gentrification, Bilbao/Guggenheim effect, spatial planningAbstract
The aim of the text is to show the specifics of the New Centre of Łódź (NCŁ) regeneration mega-project, which was inspired by the example of Bilbao. We will demonstrate how the transition from the Bilbao/Guggenheim effect in the original meaning (i.e., Bilbao 1, an investment in culture to propel a city’s economic prosperity) to the Bilbao effect in the meaning of a pure megaproject (Bilbao 2) was accomplished. This shift has serious consequences for residents. Mega-projects most often serve only a narrow group of beneficiaries while their cost is borne by the community as a whole. If we stick to the Bilbao 1 model, there is a chance for the social development of the city, while Bilbao 2 mainly means super-gentrification. In the first model, culture may play an important function in urban development; in the second, it serves more to divert attention or legitimise mega-project investments. In many cases, the presence of well-known architects and the location of special functions have justified variations in the planning procedures and the concentration of enormous public investments that have provided feasible conditions for commercial and housing markets. We utilise the extended case study method, combining data from intensive ethnography, in-depth interviews, and the analysis of urban planning documents. Although NCŁ is typical in some respects, there are aspects that do not accompany other mega-projects known from the literature. This applies, above all, to the particular management model employed.
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