Civic education in action as a key to empowering young people’s political activity
civic participation, civic education, political socialization, informal education, learning by doing, civic competencesAbstract
Civic participation brings tangible benefits to democracies and their citizens. Schools, as the main actor of political socialization, rarely teach civic engagement. Instead, they focus on providing knowledge of democratic institutions and processes. Learning democracy through experiencing is crucial in shaping the citizens involved in socio-political life. This active civic education model goes beyond traditional teaching – it is embedded in the informal education stream. This article aims to present the effects of informal civic education using the “Youth Vote+” program involving students aged 14–19 in organizing a pro-voting campaign and youth presidential elections. In order to answer the question of the extent to which active involvement in democratic processes contributes to strengthening civic and social competences, a quantitative research method (pretest and posttest evaluation questionnaire) was used. Research suggests that practical experience in civic activities has excellent potential to develop democratic competences of young people.
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