Fathers on Parental Leaves. Crossing Traditional Gender Roles in Family Life in Poland
parenthood, fatherhood, parental leave, gender roles, PolandAbstract
In 2017 only 1% of parental leave recipients were men. The aim here is to analyse the experiences of Polish fathers, who decided to take at least two months of parental leave, and also the experiences of their partners. This group decides to cross prevailing norms about care and gender. I focus here on their motivations and experiences. The analysis shows their attitudes to paid work, relationships with children, and the reactions of other people. The experiences of other parents, who did not share the leave, are presented as a contextual background. The analysis is based on 53 interviews conducted with Polish parents from different social and economic backgrounds. Interviews were conducted in 2017 and concentrated on work-life balance strategies, yet some questions concerned the issues of family leave, including parental leave. There were 12 interviews conducted with fathers who were on parental leave and their partners.
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