The system of education in the authorities’ discourse – Critical Discourse Analysis of educational authorities around the reform of education in Poland of 2017




Critical Discourse Analysis, discourse, education, reform of education


This article presents an analysis of discourse created by the authorities around the reform of education in Poland from 2017, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the research method. In the first part, a few sociological concepts from the field of education that were useful in creation of analytical categories are discussed. The second part presents the theoretical assumptions of CAD and the conceptualization of the analysis, as well as research questions and hypotheses. The third part is devoted to the actual analysis of chosen discourse fragments, followed by the results of the analysis.


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How to Cite

Dorczak, R. (2020). The system of education in the authorities’ discourse – Critical Discourse Analysis of educational authorities around the reform of education in Poland of 2017. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 69(4), 135–157.

