A performative concept of the rtist – unmatricized actions exemplified by the works of Zofia Lipecka





Performatics, aesthetics of the 20th century, Zofia Lipecka, the art of Polish emigration of the 20th century, art – ecology, art – memory, Grzegorz Sztabiński


The article is an attempt to apply the performative concept of the artist's theory formulated by Grzegorz Sztabiński to the analysis of the work of Zofia Lipecka. The artist works in France, but is of Polish origin. She creates works in various techniques: painting, video, installations, she touches on many topics: from the archeology of signs, the identity of the symmetry of nature, to ecology and historical memory. Lipecka's actions are unmatricized and cannot be easily defined. Thanks to this, they became an excellent material for analysis according to the assumptions of Sztabiński's theory. Its fundamental point is to give the artist freedom by using the participle phrase: "creating art".


Ardenne Paul (2018) Un art écologique. Création plasticienne et antropocéne, Bruxelles: Éditions Le Bord de L’Eau.

Janicka Elżbieta (2008) Konfrontacja. O audiowizualnej instalacji Zofii Lipeckiej “Po Jedwabnem” (2001-2003), catalogue, Zofia Lipecka. Po Jedwabnem, [ed.] Hanna Wróblewska, Warszawa: Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, pp. 25-40.

Jedlińska Eleonora (2018) Kształty pamięci. Wybrane zagadnienia sztuki współczesnej, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.

Kubikowski Tomasz, Amerykańska eksplozja, “Didaskalia” 2001, no. 46.

Lipecka Zofia (2008) Po Jedwabnem, Warszawa: Zachęta – National Gallery of Art.

Mc Kenzie Jon (2011) Performuj albo... Od dyscypliny do performansu, translated by Tomasz Kubikowski, Kraków: Universitas.

Sztabiński Grzegorz (2013) Performatywna koncepcja artysty w sztuce współczesnej [in:] Zwrot performatywny w estetyce, [ed.] L. Bieszczad, Kraków: Libron, pp. 31-42

Turowski Andrzej (1991) Nostalgie... , the catalogue of Zofia Lipecka’s exhibition Natura odzwierciedlona/ Nature réfléchie, Łódź: Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź.


