Overview of research areas presented in Studies in Law and Economics in 1968–2019





Studies in Law and Economics, research areas, scientific disciplines, economic sciences


Background: The article analyzes the research areas undertaken by scientists publishing their articles in the economic part of the journal Studies in Law and Economics. All issues of the journal, which have been published for over 50 years, have been analyzed.

Research purpose: The main goal of the article is to identify research areas presented in the economic part of the journal Studies in Law and Economics. This article assigns the identified research areas to three scientific disciplines: economics, finance and the management sciences. This paper includes articles published in Studies in Law and Economics throughout the period of the journal’s operation, i.e. in the years 1968–2019.

Methods: The content presented in the paper is based on literature studies and analysis of 832 articles published in Studies in Law and Economics. The broad scope of the journal and access to such a large database of articles allowed tracing how the “Polish economic thought” has changed over the past 50 years.

Conclusions: Research results indicate that scientists most often published articles on economics in Studies in Law and Economics. Beginning in the nineties, more and more publications concern management and finance sciences. The research areas undertaken by scientists change depending on the economic and political situation of Poland, Europe, or the world. The research results indicate that over the analyzed years there has been a diversification of research areas selected by the authors in all three disciplines cited in the article. Corporate governance is a research area that has become of particular interest to authors publishing in Law and Economics in recent years. Importantly, corporate governance research has been undertaken by scientists representing economics, finance, and management sciences.


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How to Cite

Gad, J., & Wieczorek, A. (2020). Overview of research areas presented in Studies in Law and Economics in 1968–2019. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 117, 203–222. https://doi.org/10.26485/SPE/2020/117/12

