Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology, red. John Pier, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus 2020, ss. 237



Liczba pobrań

Brak danych dotyczących pobrań.


Baroni Raphaël (2007), La Tension narrative. Suspense, curiosité et surprise, Éditions du Seuil, Paryż.

Burzyńska Anna (2004), Kariera narracji. O zwrocie narratywistycznym w humanistyce, „Teksty Drugie” nr 1–2, s. 43–64.

Contemporary French and francophone narratology (2020), red. J. Pier, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus.

Narrative across media. The languages of storytelling (2004), red. M.-L. Ryan, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Londyn.

Narrative theory and the cognitive sciences (2003), red. D. Herman, CSLI, Stanford.

Narratologies. New perspectives on narrative analysis (1999), red. D. Herman, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus.

Patron Sylvie (2018), Introduction à la narratologie post-classique, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve d’Asq.

Pier John (2011), Is there a French postclassical narratology [w:] Current trends in narratology, red. G. Olson, De Gruyter, Berlin, s. 336–367.

Postclassical narratology. Approaches and analyses (2010), red. J. Alber, M. Fludernik, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus.

The Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory (2022), red. P. Dawson, M. Mäkelä, Routledge, Londyn.




Jak cytować

Lutostański, B. (2022). Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology, red. John Pier, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus 2020, ss. 237. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 65(4), 155–158.