Calendar effects on the alternative markets in Warsaw and London




behavioral finance, alternative markets, seasonal anomalies, the effect of the month, GARCH models


Background: Research on behavioral theory has shown the presence of calendar effects on the stock markets, which are an exception to the effective market hypothesis. In the literature, the problem of calendar anomalies has not yet been examined in relation to alternative markets. The research and literature suggests that calendar anomalies concern mainly small companies; therefore this paper focuses on alternative market indices, which include small capitalization companies.

Research purpose: The main aim of this paper is to analyze calendar anomalies, i.e., the month of the year effect, the day of a week effect, and the turn of the month effect on two alternative investment markets: NewConnet (Poland) and Alternative Investment Market (Great Britain).

Methods: The article describes the results carried out using OLS regression models and GARCH models.

Conclusions: The results indicate that calendar effects appear on the alternative markets both in Poland and Great Britain. Both markets have a weekend effect, i.e., Monday’s and Friday’s rates of return are statistically significantly different from zero. In both markets, the month of the year effect was observed, as well as positive rates of return in the last sessions of the month.


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How to Cite

Szymański, M., & Wojtalik, G. (2019). Calendar effects on the alternative markets in Warsaw and London. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 113, 317–339.

