Cost Accounting Functions in Public Procurement
cost accounting, product life cycle, public procurement, best offers.Abstract
The present study considers the function of cost accounting in terms of public procurement. Based on an analysis of the public procurement law, an attempt was made to identify the function of cost accounting in the mainstream economic analysis of the law. Legal norms regulate social and economic relations to maintain the security of economic turnover. Public procurement law should create the right conditions for the rational use of public funds. The implementation of this right in practice requires the use of economic tools. The established practice of interpreting the lowest price as the most advantageous offer must change. According to the author of the article, knowledge of cost calculation principles can be helpful both in the selection of the best offers and for controlling the correctness of the choice. The idea that life-cycle costing is a tool that selects the best offers has been proven. The research method used in the article is a critical analysis of the literature, as well as the author’s own observations and experiences resulting from the analysis of practices.