Environmental technology verification as a potential tool supporting the ESG reporting system – theoretical approach


  • Justyna Dziewota-Jabłońska Mgr, Business Development Director, SYMBIONA S.A
  • Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska Mgr, Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych, Katowice, Poland




sustainable development, enterprise, reporting, EU Taxonomy, CSRD.


Background: The legal acts adopted by the European Commission aimed at introducing mandatory ESG reporting are consistent with the activities of the Agenda for Sustainable Development. Many mechanisms can support the process of such reporting.

Research purpose: The Environmental Technology Verification System is a tool so developed that it could serve the purposes of ESG – environmental, social, and corporate governance reporting, supporting it to professionalize and authenticate it in all areas described in the abbreviation while supporting the ideas of the 2030 Agenda.

Methods: Historical and critical analysis of the ETV mechanism and ESG reporting.

Conclusions: As a result of the analysis, it was found that the ETV verification mechanism falls within the scope known as ESG. The validity of using environmental technology verification was assessed by examining the development of these activities on an international, including European, level. Based on the current direction of activities related to the need for enterprises to adapt to the CSRD Directive, using ETV as a commercial tool supporting reporting processes is most justified.


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How to Cite

Dziewota-Jabłońska, J., & Ratman-Kłosińska, I. (2024). Environmental technology verification as a potential tool supporting the ESG reporting system – theoretical approach. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 131, 99–118. https://doi.org/10.26485/SPE/2024/131/5

