“Commercial aspects of intellectual property” as part of the Common Commercial Policy – consequences for direct effectiveness of TRIPS
European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, intellectual property law, patentAbstract
Background: Continuous technological development makes the importance of intellectual property grow, and legal protection of, among others, inventions and pharmaceutical products is increasingly necessary, especially in countries where the economies are based on innovation. In recent years, the Common Commercial Policy of the European Union has been subject to treaty changes, resulting in the evolution of both its subjective and material scope. The nature of the European Union’s competence in this area has also been changing together with the change of Treaties’ content. One of the most important and at the same time most controversial issues is the direct effect of the TRIPS Agreement in the European Union Member States. The importance of this issue arises from the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, which guarantee a minimum level of protection of intellectual property rights.
Research purpose: The author aims to determine the scope of the European Union’s competence in relation to the TRIPS Agreement. The article’s goal is to answer the question: how the evolution of the Common Commercial Policy of the European Union has affected the application of the TRIPS Agreement among the Member States. Moreover, the study aims to clarify whether the TRIPS Agreement has direct effect in the European Union Member States.
Methods: With regard to the treaty provisions, the study mainly uses formal-dogmatic and historical methods. The empirical-legal method was used to examine the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Conclusions: The nature of the European Communities’, and then of the European Union with regard to the Common Commercial Policy, had been changing along with the changes in the provisions of the Treaties. Since the entry of the Lisbon Treaty into force (1.12.2009), the Common Commercial Policy has fallen within the exclusive competence of the European Union and has covered commercial aspects of intellectual property. The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice confirmed that TRIPS falls entirely within the competence of the EU, which may lead to the conclusion that for the assessment of the direct effect of its provisions the union rules apply, rather than the controversy in the previous legal situation, when TRIPS was a so-called mixed agreement. On the other hand, the Court has not decided to challenge the previous jurisprudence in this respect, which may suggest that denying the direct effect of TRIPS remains valid. Nevertheless, the problem lost its practical significance, as the provisions of TRIPS were (after the end of the transitional periods) incorporated into the national law of the Member States.
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