The category of animacy in different social variants of Slovenian language – prolegomenon

Kategoria żywotności w różnych odmianach stylistycznych języka słoweńskiego – prolegomena


  • Anna Stefan Katedra Filologii Słowiańskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Poland


Article in Polish

The category of animacy in the contemporary Slovenian language, like in other Slavic languages, is a morphological category of masculinum nouns, which have the accusative grammatical suffix -a (ex. vidim človeka). There are some nonanimacy nouns, which have this suffix -a like: names of cars (ex. ima forda), cards (ex. potegnil je asa) or diseases (ex. ima raka). In the article author has characterized the category of animacy in different social variants of the Slovenian language – from standard language to some unstandardized variants (two dialects and one regiolect). In unofficial language, there are more examples of animacy than in standard language. These are numerous nonanimated masculinum and neutral nouns (ex. imajo dekleta) and nouns in children’s speech (ex. daj ključa).



How to Cite

Stefan, A. (2019). The category of animacy in different social variants of Slovenian language – prolegomenon: Kategoria żywotności w różnych odmianach stylistycznych języka słoweńskiego – prolegomena. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 65, 181–194. Retrieved from


