Facing the irreversible. Three philosophical études





pandemic, existence, plasticity, arts, value


This article takes the form of three etudes and concerns artistic struggles with the experience of threat caused by irreversible change and destruction. In the first etude, the area of this experience is the International Chopin Piano Competition which took place in 2021 with a year's delay due to the pandemic. Despite the rivalry, comparable to the Greek agon, the young pianists experienced many uplifting moments which translated into a high aesthetic value of their performances.

The pandemic also had a creative impact on the character of the second etude, the author of a book about paintings that are, in various aspects, related to the experience of threat and the specter of death. Painter Christopher Neve took advantage of the pandemic isolation to study the works of his masters. His book Immortal Thoughts (2023) combines the uncertainty of tomorrow in the times of Covid-19 with a journey to the times of Rembrandt, Cezanne and Michelangelo.

The third etude abandons the topic of the coronavirus threat and presents the prose of Marguerite Duras, in which literary criticism sees a trace of an "incurable wound". Catherine Malabou's philosophical interpretation of Duras's writing in her work Ontology of the Accident is also criticized.

Author Biography

Anna Chęćka, University of Gdansk, Institute of Philosophy

PhD, holds a post-doctoral degree in the humanities (philosophy). She is an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Gdańsk, and head of the Chair of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture. She completed piano studies at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk and studied with Bernard Ringeissen in Paris on a French government scholarship. In 2005 she completed her PhD studies in philosophy (dissertation On criticizing music. Metacritical aspects of musical performance's evaluations). In 2014, she got her habilitation in philosophy. She has published four books: Dysonanse krytyki. O ocenie wykonania utworu muzycznego, [Critical Dissonances. Evaluating Performances of Musical Work] Gdańsk 2008, Ucho i umysł. Szkice o doświadczaniu muzyki [Ear and Mind. Sketches of Musical Experience] Gdańsk 2012, A jak Apollo. Biografia Alfreda Cortota [A for Apollo: A Biography of Alfred Cortot] Warszawa 2019, and Słuch metafizyczny [Ear for metaphysics] Warszawa 2020, translated into English and published by the Chopin Institute in 2021 as Metaphysical Hearing (Warsaw, 2021). In 2021 she translated Julian Johnson's Out of Time. Music and the Making of Modernity for the PWM publishing house. Anna combines humanistic study with a view inspired by neuroaesthetics and neurobiology. In 2021 she co-edited a special neuroaesthetic issue of the Polish Journal of Art and Philosophy (Sztuka i Filozofia, 56/2020) and published several papers on music and the brain in collaboration with her Neurobiology Study Group.


Anna Chęćka, John Allison, Critics’ Talk: Greatness in the Time of Pandemic, Chopin Courier no. 15, 18.10.2021.

James. Q. Davies, Romantic Anatomies of Performance, University of California Press 2014.

Marguerite Duras, Practicalities: Marguerite Duras speaks to Jerôme Beaujour, transL. Barbara Bray, New York: Grove Weidenfeld 1990.

Marguerite Duras, The Lover, trans. Barbara Bray, Collins, Glasgow 1985.

Catherine Malabou, Ontology of the Accident. An Essay of Destructive Plasticity, transL. Carolyn Shread, Polity Press, Cambridge 2012.

Chrisopher Neve, Immortal Thoughts. Late Style in a Time of Plague, Thames& Hudson, London 2023.

George Steiner, Grammars of Creation, Faber Faber, London 2001.

Władysław Stróżewski, Wokół piękna. Szkice z estetyki, Universitas, Kraków 2002

Semir Zeki, Splendors and Miseries of the Brain: Love, Creativity, and the Quest for Human Happiness, Wiley-Blackwell, New Jersey 2009.

https://slippedisc.com/2021/11/chopin-winner-claims-amother-polish-trophy/, (25.06.2024).


