In the reflection of an image – the works of Joanna Trzcińska


  • Daria Rutkowska-Siuda Institute of Art History, University of Łódź



Joanna Trzcińska, contemporary printmaking and sculpture, maker's workshop, makerteacher, artefact


The article focuses on the last decade of artistic experiences and activities of the pain­ter, graphic artist, and academic Joanna Trzcińska, affiliated with the W. Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. A formal and content analysis is carried out on the series of works: The Image, The Lulled and The Passions, as well as large-format self-portraits. Based on interviews with the artist, an analysis of her statements and publications to date, her views on the concept of the artist and the image are outlined. The process of creating the individual series and its influence on the final work is presented. In the creative process, Trzcińska allows for chance – in this case, randomness of what the matter she is working with entails. Independence and control over the creative process become an important aspect of her work. This independence may surprise the viewer, when juxtaposed with the large format and number of works produced. The human figure plays a dominant role in the works: observed, materialized and reacting with space. The artist's works, made using shuttering plywood are sensory, affecting sight, smell, and touch. She conquers the minimalism of her means of expression with scale and multiplication, eagerly reaching for the found object, the artefact.

Author Biography

Daria Rutkowska-Siuda, Institute of Art History, University of Łódź

Daria Rutkowska-Siuda – PhD, assistant professor at the Institute of Art History at the University of Łódź, Department of Architecture History. Her research interests include 19th century sacred and industrial architecture from the area of the Kingdom of Poland (mainly from provincial and peripheral areas), issues of monument protection in the 19th and early 20th centu­ries, and industrial design (mainly cast iron) from the area of the Old Polish Industrial District. Author of works: Wzornictwo przemysłowe zakładów odlewniczych z terenu powiatu koneckiego od lat 70. XIX wieku do 1939 roku, (Techne. Seria Nowa 2022); Formy i metody ochrony zabytków sakralnych podejmowane przez duchowieństwo w diecezji sandomierskiej i kieleckiej od lat osiemdzie­siątych XIX wieku do roku 1939. In: Woźniak, Michał F. (ed.), Inwentaryzacja zabytków w Polsce. Dzieje, metody, osiągnięcia, (Toruń 2021); Characteristics of sacral architecture in Radom Gover­norate in the light of social and artistic relationships of the late nineteenth to twentieth century. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. (2017). Redaktor: W obliczu przemian i nowej rzeczywistości. Sztuka lat 1919-1939. Studia z historii sztuki (ed.) Daria Rutkowska-Siuda, Olga Tuszyńska-Szczepaniak, Agnieszka Lorenc-Karczewska, Małgorzata Markiewicz-Wróblewska. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Władysława Strzemińskiego w Łodzi, Warszawa-Łódź 2021; Między architekturą nowoczesną a tradycyjną [...] między konstrukcją a formą. Prace naukowe dedykowane Profesorowi Krzysztofowi Stefańskiemu (Łódź 2020).


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Eichstaedt J., Ludowy wizerunek Jezusa Chrystusa, Muzeum Ziemi Wieluńskiej w Wieluniu, Wie¬luń 2016.

Exhibition of Joanna Trzcińska's works, Obraz, Galeria (-1) Olympic Centre, February-March 2016, Warszawa.

Exhibition of Joanna Trzcińska's works, Obraz, Galeria Na Rogu, Katarzyna Kobro Secondary Art School in Zduńska Wola, December 2016-January 2017, Zduńska Wola.

Exhibition of Joanna Trzcińska's works, Powtórzony czas początku, January-March 2021, Dom Praczki modern sacrum art gallery, Kielce.

Garbatka Station – an exhibition within the framework of the 9th International Plein-Air of Creative Expression in Painting and Sculpture, July 2016, railway station in Garbatka Letnisko.

Interview with Joanna Trzcińska, 14.05.2023, Kolumna.

Interview with Joanna Trzcińska, 20.04.2023.

Klekot E., Kłopoty ze sztuką ludową, słowo/obraz/terytoria, Gdańsk 2021.

Morant de H., Historia sztuki zdobniczej od pradziejów do nowoczesności, ed. Stefan Hołówka, Arkady, Warszawa 1981.

Obraz, Joanna Trzcińska, curator of the exhibition: Janusz Knorowski, 10.02–1.03.2016, in: Wystawy sztuki współczesnej 2006–2016, Galeria -1, Polski Komitet Olimpijski, Warszawa 2016.

Rozporządzenie Ministra Pracy i Polityki Społecznej z dnia 27 kwietnia 2010 r. w sprawie klasyfikacji zawodów i specjalności na potrzeby rynku pracy oraz jej stosowania (Dz. U. 2010 no. 82 item 537), [accessed: 14.04.2023].

Trzcińska J., a virtual exhibition entitled The Image in SMTG in Kraków, 7-30.10.2020.

Trzcińska J., Sacralization of matter as a result of the creative process, delivered by Joanna Trzcińska on 6.12.2019 in Rzeszów at the 7th National Scientific Research Symposium on Sacred Art of the 19th and 20th centuries. Sacrum and Matter. Expression and symbolism of the material in sacred art.


