The (in)humanization of technology in modern Silesian street art iconography: from the Rose-Cross tradition to new materialism?




street art, technology, inhuman, Janowska group, neo-materialism, Saturn


The article investigates the relationship between human beings and technology, as depicted in modern Silesian street art iconography. The author presents the esoteric worldview of the famous Janowska group of painters, based on RoseCross anthroposophy, as well as the group’s connection with the contemporary Silesian street art scene represented by the artists Raspazjan and Mona Tusz. The matter of biotechnological interaction as the narration of mo­dern Silesian street art is raised in the light of Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophical reflection on technology and its resemblance to the modern neomaterialist standpoint. Finally, a selection of murals is analyzed, as the examples of an embodied, local, materialdiscursive practice, exploring the dualism of the biotechnological world.

Author Biography

Jakub Petri, Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

PhD, works at the Department of Aesthetics of the Jagiellonian Uni­versity, Cracow, Poland. He specializes in urban aesthetics, somaesthetics and transcul­tural studies. He is the author of a book on Japanese urban space (Estetyczne aspekty japońskiej przestrzeni miejskiej, 2009) and several articles on the aesthetics of street art and performative urban disciplines. He was also the editor of the volume of proce­edings of the 19th International Congress of Aesthetics (ICA) (Performing Cultures, 2016) and organized a conference on the aesthetics of urban space (“Estetyczne Akty­wacje Przestrzeni Miejskiej”, Cracow 2015).


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