Из наблюдений над лексикой древнеболгарского перевода Хроники Георгия Амартола: мнимые русизмы (5)

Out of observations on the vocabulary of the Old Bulgarian translation of George Hamartolos’ Chronicon: imaginery Russicisms (5)


  • Ростислав Станков Кафедра русского языка, Факультет славянских филологий, Софийский Университет им. св. Климента Охридского



Article in Russian

This paper examines several words on the list of “Russicisms” which provides a false premise for some Russian scholars’ thesis about translation activities in Kievan Russia. The analysis reveals that verbs with the root *mъlv- in the Old Bulgarian translation of George Hamartolos’ Chronicon have no specific meaning of speech or speaking that could be associated with either Russian or Old Russian. The root *mъlv- is of an onomatopoeic origin and its meaning of speech is secondary, as is well represented in the modern Bulgarian and Russian languages. Towards the problem of possible Russicisms in the Slavonic translated texts a cautious approach is needed, because of the fact that Old Russian manuscripts do not directly reflect the Old Russian language.



How to Cite

Станков, Р. (2019). Из наблюдений над лексикой древнеболгарского перевода Хроники Георгия Амартола: мнимые русизмы (5): Out of observations on the vocabulary of the Old Bulgarian translation of George Hamartolos’ Chronicon: imaginery Russicisms (5). Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 497–507. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/290


