З гісторыі развіцця лексікі старабеларускай дзелавой пісьменнасці XIV – сярэдзіны XVI ст.

From the history of development of the old Belarusian official written vocabulary from the 14th to the mid-16th centuries


  • Наталля Паляшчук Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі



Article in Belarusian

The article considers examples of Old Belarusian official documents of the 14th to the mid-16th centuries, namely, such national codes as the Vislicki Statut, the Sudziebnik Kazimira, the Statut Vialikaha Kniastva Litoŭskaha 1529, as well as some privileges, bills of complaint, confirmations, testaments, etc. The corpus of lexical units of different parts of speech fixed in these written monuments has been determined; their semantics, belonging to certain thematic groups, origin, structure, synonymous and generic relations between lexemes have been considered; specificity of their use in different genres of business writing has been established. The results of the research are appropriate to use for further study of the formation and evolution of the Belarusian language vocabulary and its stylistic varieties; for scientific developments in the field of historical lexicology, historical stylistics, and interlingual interaction; for preparation of historical dictionaries of new types; as well as in shaping of the Old Belorussian language sub-corpus of the National Corpus of the Belarusian language.



How to Cite

Паляшчук, Н. (2019). З гісторыі развіцця лексікі старабеларускай дзелавой пісьменнасці XIV – сярэдзіны XVI ст.: From the history of development of the old Belarusian official written vocabulary from the 14th to the mid-16th centuries. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 385–407. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/285


