Cупин в древнерусских списках евангелия XI –XIII веков

Supine in the Old Russian gospel manuscripts of the 11th–13th centuries


  • Георгий Мольков Институт лингвистических исследований РАН



Article in Russian

Since the 11th century, some Old Russian Gospel manuscripts use infinitive forms after verbs of motion to specify purpose, while the supine in the proper context is used in other Gospel copies. This fact seems to be associated with the gradual loss of this form in Old Russian; but, against the background of the correct usage of the supine in the original texts, such instability could be inherited from the Old Bulgarian writing. A comparison of Old Russian Gospel copies of various types (tetraevangelia, short and complete lectionaries) with Old Bulgarian usage helps to resolve this problem. It shows, firstly, that a supine can be replaced by an infinitive in Old Russian Gospel manuscripts in a small number of cases (about ⅓), and secondly, that the contexts allow the loss of the supine form mostly in the same verses as in the Old Bulgarian; besides this, it depends on the type of the Gospel manuscript: there are examples where complete lectionaries have an infinitive in the same pericope in which short lectionaries have a more archaic supine. This correlation allows one to assume that the text of the Gospel in the Old Russian recension preserves the state of the supine in which it existed in the South Slavic manuscripts of the 10th and early 11th centuries.



How to Cite

Мольков, Г. (2019). Cупин в древнерусских списках евангелия XI –XIII веков: Supine in the Old Russian gospel manuscripts of the 11th–13th centuries. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 319–332. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/281


