Канкарданс беларускай мовы ХІХ стагоддзя як крыніца даследавання лексікі. Ужыванне слоў дом і хата ў ХІХ ст.

The Concordance of Belarusian of the Nineteenth Century as a source of research into vocabulary. The use of Belarusian home and cottage lexemes in the 19th century


  • Jadwiga Kozłowska-Doda Zakład Białorutenistyki i Bułgarystyki, Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Poland



Article in Belarusian

Contemporary Belarusian language is based on diversified dialectal speech of peasants, impoverished nobles and the poorest urban social strata. It does not constitute a continuation of old Belarusian writings. Belarusian modern writing developed in the first half of the 19th century. Throughout the 19th century, it is represented only by verse and prose texts with a fairly diverse artistic level. Collected in various types of anthologies (search for this type of texts in archives cotinues), the foundations for creating a concordance, first printed in a paper version, recently also in a supplemented and corrected electronic version. Despite the small technical deficiencies Concordance of Belarusian of the Nineteenth Century enables effective improvement of the work of the linguist: to compare individual lexemes and their forms, to interpret their frequency (in poetry, prose, specific authors), to analyze the semantics of words, etc. The article concentrates on the use of home/house lexemes in Belarusian-language texts of the 19th century.




How to Cite

Kozłowska-Doda, J. (2019). Канкарданс беларускай мовы ХІХ стагоддзя як крыніца даследавання лексікі. Ужыванне слоў дом і хата ў ХІХ ст.: The Concordance of Belarusian of the Nineteenth Century as a source of research into vocabulary. The use of Belarusian home and cottage lexemes in the 19th century. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 255–283. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/278


