Ze studiów nad historią słownictwa ukraińskiego

From studies of Ukrainian vocabulary history


  • Adam Fałowski Katedra Ukrainistyki, Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Poland



Article in Polish

My article entitled Wyrazy niejasne w „Матеріалах до словника писемної та книжної української мови XV–XVIII ст.” J. Tymczenki (“Unclear words in Матеріали до словника писемної та книжної української мови XV–XVIII ст. by J. Tymczenko”) was published in 2007. In that article, I took a closer look at 204 words, which hadn’t been identified and interpreted in terms of meaning or had not even been the subject of any attempt at interpretation which. I signaled this with a question mark. As a result of my extensive research, the number words unrecognised in form or meaning has been reduced to 56. Among those 56 words about which in the article of 2007 I wrote: “they do not submit to unambiguous formal or semantic interpretation” as many as 36 have now been completely or partially recognized and described in this paper, based on new historical and etymological sources of East Slavonic and Polish languages. I hope, the remaining 20 words which still successfully guard the secret of their provenance will also be identified at some time.





How to Cite

Fałowski, A. (2019). Ze studiów nad historią słownictwa ukraińskiego: From studies of Ukrainian vocabulary history. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 111–123. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/268




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