Про внесок наддніпрянських православних священиків у розбудову української літературної мови в хіх столітті

On the contribution of Dnieper Ukraine Orthodox priests to the formation of literary Ukrainian in the 19th century


  • Андрій Даниленко Modern Languages and Cultures Department (Katedra Nowożytnych Języków i Kultur), Pace University



Article in Ukrainian

The article deals with the contribution of three Ukrainian Orthodox priests, Vasyl Hrechulevych (1791–1870), Stefan Opatovych (1832–1892), and Ioann Babchenko (?–?), to the formation of literary Ukrainian in the mid-19th century. The author analyzes the language of the collections of sermons and other homiletic works which were published before the Valuev Circular of 1863 in Russian-ruled Ukraine. Looking into the features of their vernacular-based idiolects, the author offers to posit their idiolects on the scale of the normalization of written Ukrainian in the 19th c.; he argues in particular that Reverend Opatovych’s idiolect is the closest to the vernacular standard of modern Ukrainian. The author proves that the contribution of the Dnieper Ukraine Orthodox priests to the formation of literary Ukrainian is fully commensurate with that of Greek-Catholic priests in Austria-Hungary.




How to Cite

Даниленко, А. (2019). Про внесок наддніпрянських православних священиків у розбудову української літературної мови в хіх столітті: On the contribution of Dnieper Ukraine Orthodox priests to the formation of literary Ukrainian in the 19th century. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 99–110. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/267


