The features of the dialect in the toponyms of the county of Turek

Cechy gwarowe w toponimach z powiatu tureckiego


  • Ewelina Zając Zakład Dialektologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Poland


Article in Polish

The aim of this article is to discuss dialect features in the names of inhabited and uninhabited objects in the county of Turek located in the south-eastern part of Wielkopolska Province. In the collected data there can be found particular dialect features: phonetic, inflexive – syntax and lexical characteristics of the South-eastern Wielkopolska Province. The toponymy data collected by field exploration enables the observation of dialect features – in the names characteristic for the dialect of Wielkopolska Province, such as: Old Polish long vowels’ continuants, avoidance of prosthetic pronunciation of vowels in initial sound, hesitancy in the grammatical gender. Oikonyms and anoikonyms also preserve former dialect features, e.g. alternation of the morphemes ‘-ow’ and ‘-ew’ that are preserved in the suffixes of the names, which primarily authenticate, more than presently, the area of occurrence. A feature of the collected toponymy data is also the wider range of toponymisation; in other words the supersession of apelatives from the lexical resource of the language and their fossilization in proper names. The names of the places and areas in the county of Turek retain many lexical archaisms and dialect lexicon. These are also expressive names known by the residents of the examined area and beyond, often associated with a particular event or a feature characteristic of people living there.




How to Cite

Zając, E. (2019). The features of the dialect in the toponyms of the county of Turek: Cechy gwarowe w toponimach z powiatu tureckiego. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 65, 261–271. Retrieved from


