Adverb in the system of substantive and predicative words of Bielarusian

Прыслоўе ў сістэме прадметных і прэдыкатных слоў беларускай мовы


  • Вікторыя Голубева Інстытут мовазнаўства імя Якуба Коласа


The article is devoted to categorical status of adverbs in modern Belarusian. The adverb is considered as a derived unit which combines the features of substantive and predicative words. It is shown that the adverb does not belong to either class. Adverbial lexemes formed from substantives lose concreto semes and abstract their meaning. This part of speech is closer to predicative words because they can be the main predicate in the utterance. In addition, sometimes the adverb expresses additional predicativity and as a result complicates the semantic structure of the sentence. But the central adverbial function is as a circumstantial modifier that is a non-predicative sign.



How to Cite

Голубева, В. (2019). Adverb in the system of substantive and predicative words of Bielarusian: Прыслоўе ў сістэме прадметных і прэдыкатных слоў беларускай мовы. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 65, 19–35. Retrieved from


