Functioning of East Slavonic borrowings in the user awareness of Polish south-eastern local dialects on the example of adverbs


  • Anna Kostecka-Sadowa Instytut Języka Polskiego, Polska Akademia Nauk w Krakowie, Poland


Issues of the present article are regarding East Slavonic adverbs in Polish local dialects. Presenting gathered material and verifying the step on his base are a purpose of the paper acquaintances of lexical individuals gathered together and their functioning in the awareness of language users of the village. A Dictionary of Polish local dialects and his file being in IJP are a material base you in Cracow. I compared data with contemporary, collected materials obtained in the field with method of the free conversation. I confined myself to East Slavonic expressions certified mainly on the entire eastern borderland of the country. And so they are these are adverbs authenticated above all in Mazovia and in Lesser Poland.


— Updated on 2018-12-08

How to Cite

Kostecka-Sadowa, A. (2018). Functioning of East Slavonic borrowings in the user awareness of Polish south-eastern local dialects on the example of adverbs: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 64, 103–122. Retrieved from


